New Player Sign Up

You are signing up for a free trial. Please make sure you choose the best suited venue in the Preferred Venue option.

Parent / Guardian Details

Please provide details of parent / guardian

Please Note: Asterisked fields are mandatory to submit this form

Secondary Point of Contact

Player Details

Please provide details of the players

Player 1 Details

Please state if you have any medical history for example, Partial Vision, Colour Blind, Allergic to any medication, Asthmatic, Learning difficulties.

Add Another Player

The Cost

One-Off Core Membership Fee  £92.00 Includes Kit
Knole Academy £48.50 Per Month
Harris Academy, Falconwood £48.50 Per Month
Kings Hill £48.50 Per Month
Advanced Pre-Academy £48.50 Per Month
Saturday Morning Pre Academy (4-7 Years) £7.00 Per Session
or term-time fee £30.00-40.00
Mini Rondos (2 Years - 4 Years) £7.00 Per Session

All payments are made by monthly Direct Debit and are inclusive of vat and booking fees

Notification Settings

We use emails and SMS texts messages to send updates and notifications about clinics and courses that you are booked onto.

We highly recommend allowing correspondence via at least one of the following methods.

Text Messages
Alerts from coaches about your clinics and offer events

Alerts about your clinics and other events, Important news by email.





By registering your child as a Rondos player for clinics or holiday courses via the website, all parents are subject to the following terms and conditions. Please read the following carefully.

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all members and non-member participants in relation to football training, matches and events organised by The Rondos Academy Ltd or its linked associated companies. The term “you” refers to players/parents/carer/guardian and “You” can be singular or plural.



1.    General

We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions for the membership service that we provide to you. We acknowledge that you may receive written and verbal information from our coaching or administration team which shall also be incorporated into these terms and conditions.

We may update these terms and conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of The Rondos Academy Ltd or changes to within which we consider appropriate.

We will give you reasonable notice in advance of implementing such changes by email where we hold a valid email address. Where the changes are significant we may also choose to text you with the new details which again we require an up to date valid mobile number. The changes will apply to your membership from the date on which we notify you of such changes.

These terms and conditions are governed by English law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts



2.    Membership Fees

Membership to The Rondos Academy Clinics is through monthly direct debit on or around 1st of each month. Current membership for each location are published on the website.  Once assessment has completed all members must purchase a Rondos kit package as part of their membership via their members area of the website and this can be paid by credit/debit card.

Sessions run alongside the academic year and in addition each member receives credits for holiday clinics for half-terms and summer holidays.  Technical Academy Sessions - Over the 12 Months, players will receive 35 x 1.5 hour evening sessions, Term time only, totalling to 52.5 hours (Darrick Wood: 35 x 1 hour 15 minute session’s). Player Holiday Clinic Entitlement - players will also receive 10 x 5.5 hour holiday session credits over the school Holiday’s, totalling to 55 hours over 12 months (All credits applied within each school holiday MUST be used for that period and cannot be saved up throughout the year.

The Rondos Academy monthly fee for the number of sessions associated with each individual academy location is spread out over a 12 month period and the membership is on-going.

Unpaid Direct Debits - parents will be contacted and agreement for reclaim on the next available collection run or alternative method of payment to cover will be agreed.  If the second collection is unsuccessful we have the right to suspend a players sessions until the amount owed has been paid.



3.    Termination of Membership

Monthly memberships cannot be frozen unless there are mid/long-term medical reasons and/or at our discretion.

All members have the right to cancel their membership at any time giving a full Calendar month’s written notice.  No refunds for missed sessions will be issued.

In extreme weather conditions we reserve the right to cancel training at short notice to ensure the safety of the players and coaches.  Alternative training sessions will be laid on at a later date to compensate.  No refunds will be given.



4.    Code of Conduct

The Rondos Academy Ltd work alongside the FA RESPECT programme. Respect is working to eradicate

Side-line abuse in football, and parents can play their part by agreeing to Rondos Codes of Conducts and abiding by them throughout the year. Parents also have a responsibility for their children's behaviour.

As members parents you are agreeing to abide by our Codes of Conduct and every Rondos member and family will be required to adhere to the Player & Parent Codes of Conduct with parents ensuring their child fully understands them.

These can be found in the Player Information Guide or requested by Email.



5.    Data

We will hold your data in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy (details of which can be obtained on request and also found within the Player Information Guide).

We will retain your details given to us electronically or on paper and we will use your data for registration purposes and to send you emails with news of deals and promotions and updates from time to time from ourselves and linked companies. We will only share your data with an alternative third party where you have given permission.



6.    Privacy & Protection

Photos or videos must not be taken by parents or visitors to The Rondos Academy Ltd training sessions or games unless authorised by Rondos directly and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy (details of which can be obtained on request and also found within the Player Information Guide).

Any photos or video footage taken by The Rondos Academy Ltd through authorised use may be used for marketing purposes.

Your details will be added to our mailing list. There is an opportunity to un-sub subscribe to this service should you wish to stop receiving our newsletters.

All players must register at the centre designated point and be “booked in” with the member of staff. Their attendance must be recorded at each session.

Players must be collected from the pitch side on completion of the session. Should you make alternative arrangements with your child Rondos must be informed in advance and will not be held liable.



7.    Physical Condition of Member

Players are in good physical condition and that you know of no medical or other reason why they are not capable of engaging in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition. Any change in medical condition MUST be advised to Rondos and our internal records updated.



 8.    Absence

We ask that you let us know via email at  or contact 01892 822554 soon as you know your son/daughter will not be attending a session. All sessions are pre-planned with a full complement of players in mind.



9.    Our Responsibility to You 

We shall not be responsible for any failure by us to perform our obligations to you in relation to your membership where this failure is caused by circumstances beyond our control.



10.    Customer Services

If you have a query or complaint, please contact us using any of the contact details below or request a copy of our complaints policy:
Telephone:  01892 822554




* I am aware of and understand the potential risks associated with physical exercise and I am voluntarily allowing my son/daughter to partake in these activities with a knowledge thereof.
* The player registration has been completed to the best of my knowledge and belief.
* I understand that if there is a change in player medical condition at all, I must inform Rondos immediately.

Without prejudice to the above, The Rondos Academy Ltd accepts no liability for loss or damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising caused to me or suffered by me whilst on the premises, UNLESS such loss or liability is caused by the negligent act of The Rondos Academy Ltd.

I understand that ALL monthly fees are non-refundable. I acknowledge membership is on-going from the date of joining, and expires only on written and acknowledged cancellation. I accept that I must give a full calendar month notice of cancellation. All members who wish to cancel their membership must do so in writing to Rondos. Failure to do so will result in the claiming of another direct debit payment which is non-refundable.

I have read, understand and accept the rules, terms and conditions laid down by The Rondos Academy Ltd and agree to abide by them. I understand that Rondos may from time to time make changes without prior notice.

Terms and Conditions
I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions